Automatic digital osmometers measure osmolality in mOsm/kg H2O. Osmette Multi-Osmette Osmometer uses the freezing point depression method to provide a quick, accurate indication of total concentration. Instruments measure freezing points of solutions to 0.001°C, then directly translate them to measure of concentration.
The simplicity and dependability of Osmette™ osmometers in a small, lightweight size. Osmette II and Osmette III Osmometers are ideal for one-step freezing-point measurement of osmolality.
Automatic digital osmometers measure osmolality in mOsm/kg H2O. Osmette Micro-Osmette Osmometer uses the freezing point depression method to provide a quick, accurate indication of total concentration. Instruments measure freezing points of solutions to 0.001°C, then directly translate them to measure of concentration.
Highly sensitive cryoscopes with reliable operation that automatically lowers bath temperature for high concentrations in research applications. Precision Systems Cryette A and Cryette WR Cryoscopes include all solid-state non-mechanical seven-segment readout with integrating techniques for maximum accuracy and reproducibility.