Solutions and Standards
Explore an extensive line of standard solutions and reagents for APHA, ASTM, EPA, AWWA, TAPPI, and USP methods. LabChem can also produce custom solutions to meet your packaging, size, formulation, sterilization, and labeling requirements.
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Inorganic Chemicals
Find inorganic solutions and dry mixtures prepared in ISO-certified environments, including salt solutions, anion- and cation-specific solutions, and dilutions prepared to meet method chemistries. These inorganic chemicals are used in production activities, clean and rinse applications, QA and QC testing, and more.
Shop Inorganic Chemicals
Analytical Chemicals
Confidently complete analytical methods testing regulated by the ASTM, APHA, AOAC, EPA, FDA, and NIST with high-quality, certified formulations of acids, bases, buffers, and indicators.